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Revolution Q

Revolution Q

ISBN: 9781949709599

The solution to identity politics, at least in the case of Revolution Q, is to simply shed your identity. Only by doing this, it seems, can freedom of speech exist. At least, that would be the implication that the author Neon Revolt (itself an invented identity) promotes in this seven-hundred-page tome. This book was crowd-funded via Indiegogo and the figures are anywhere from $50,000 to $160,000 raised for its publishing. For an unknown author, this is quite good for a first book considering some book contracts are only awarded $5,000 for an advance. Though this book was available on Amazon, it is clear that it no longer appears there. Either way, the writer must have been able to make a decent living from this book which shows alternative publishing is possible provided a person can grab the attention of the funding population.

Neon Revolt serves as a valuable eyewitness account of the unfolding of the Q movement. Though he sometimes conflates the terms Qanon with the Q movement, (there are anons and there is Q) it is clear that there is a lot of behind-the-scenes material here that discusses the unfolding of what the thesis of the book advances is the first public disclosure of intelligence secrets by some or many insiders. These insiders have Q clearance, and they are providing posts to people on image boards that are called anons. (their identities effectively become long strings of numbers) This arena allows these disclosures to happen since the nature of the communication method does not allow any one person to be identified as having said or done a thing. What emerges from this is a crackdown on the military-industrial complex from independent researchers who unravel the clues that are given by the insiders who post. (the insiders cannot reveal information that would blow any secret operations)

What follows is, without a doubt, a wild, disturbing ride. In the Bible, it is indicated that the Egyptians were constantly sacrificing children for one reason or another. The dominant reason they did this was to try to weaken the Hebrew people as they feared them. For this, eventually, God judged them with terrifying plagues. Most of the content of these posts from the perspective of Neon Revolt concerns what can only be labeled as Satanic exploitation and murder of children. Far from being a conspiracy, the Bible makes clear this was done. Q posts indicate it is STILL being done and covered up by the “elite” of the nation. Blinders have been placed on the masses to make them complicit in these actions. These are the tenets Neon Revolt witnesses and unfolds and consequently writes about.

Additionally, it appears that whatever Q is working for, he/she/they have the power to shut down supercomputers and rogue AIs that are misbehaving or are being used for other clandestine purposes by intelligence agencies that do not want these disclosures being made public.

The cooperation between researchers is impressive. In one case, the anons can locate a flag that is hoisted at a random location around the world by using some simple mathematics and working together to determine where it is. The anons begin to behave as a kind of public intelligence agency.

The usual deep-state suspects are also present in this work. Most of the material provides evidence for what is now widely known or media-branded conspiracy theories. Pizzagate. Saudi Arabia. Rothschilds. Aliens. The Titanic. It’s all here. What makes this different as a body of work, though, is that there is an evidence trail. Whereas a classical conspiracy theorist is seen as a paranoid person who advances ideas based on propositions that are not well-founded, the Q posts seem to invite people to consider the evidence. Not only should a person consider the evidence, but they ought to carefully use logic reason and deduction! This is a far cry from a traditional conspiracy theorist who “wants to believe”.

Neon Revolt’s position is watching all this unfold and playing a key role in the unfolding by solving specific pieces of the puzzle. A part of the book that reads slowly is about his or her own life, but this disclosure is made so that we understand the “lens” that Neon Revolt is utilizing. This part could have been condensed or left out entirely, but it does add some evidence to the credibility of Neon Revolt as a witness.

What is particularly interesting is that one can find a thousand so-called crackpot books on conspiracies available on Amazon. If it were the case that this book is simply that, why did Amazon feel the need to remove it? If it is all craziness, then sell it and make the money from printing it, and allow people to be crazy as one would with any other book. A person can easily find, for instance, Mein Kampf, so if the concern is that Revolution Q might make people more extreme, how does one justify leaving Hitler’s chief manifesto up for sale?

Indeed, Neon Revolt has a lot to say about the story of Hitler as the clues are unwound. Hitler was more of a puppet is the conclusion. Likewise, Obama is also more of a puppet. Fine. Political books have made accusations about everyone from the very beginning of politics. When Amazon leaves a book up by Hitler that inspired genocide without a doubt, but apparently takes down a book that says, among other things, that Hitler was a puppet, it makes the claim seem stronger that Amazon is working for the same kinds of forces Hitler was! This is especially true if the claims in Revolution Q are inherently crazy! Make the money, and let the crazy be crazy? It’s good business, and we all know Amazon loves money.

The conclusion of the book is a favorite of the reviewer since nobody can argue with it regardless of what they think about the rest of the book. Neon Revolt tells us that if all the above is true, we should certainly repent and live more humble lives and, this is important, live differently as a result. Let’s assume none of what Q said is true. Let’s assume every anon was a paid shill by some three-lettered agency. Has anyone led a good enough life on this Earth that they feel like they have no need of repentance? Whatever ‘conspiracy theory’ gets a person to that point, we need more of them since that road leads to turning back to God. Mein Kampf surely did not lead to turning back to God until terrible consequences mounted and even then people seem to have forgotten the lessons of history. If everything written here is true, then it gives one a very good reason for believing that the testimony of the works of the Earth are usually evil. Without God, people become beasts, and are capable of unthinkable levels of atrocity and deception. Neon Revolt is the person present for the unfolding of this vile tapestry. He/she is a reliable witness as to his/her experience. Everyone who has any interest on either the con or the for side of the Q movement should read this book to better understand what the movement is. That is, providing of course, they find a copy.

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