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The Oracle

The Oracle

ISBN: 978-1629996295

The Oracle is probably one of Cahn’s best works. While the book says it discusses the mystery of the Jubilees, which is true, it might be better to say it explains how YHVH puts His kingdom back in order. The answer, not surprisingly, is that this is done with an eerie level of precision–right down to the names of the people involved and what they are and where their feet tread. This is especially true, as one might expect, where the restoration of Israel is involved.

On the theme of the land of Israel being restored, Cahn makes the forceful point that the entire nation was resurrected. Each piece was restored in a way that no nation has ever experienced and each person was working to restore it in ways they did not entirely understand. The first resource that was utilized according to Cahn, was none other than Mark Twain who went to the land of Israel to testify of its bareness and lack of desirability. This witness was Prophetic Fulfillment of a stranger coming to the land of Israel and remarking how not a single blade of grass would be present. At the same time, the city and the main old gate was being discovered by the British and the unearthing of the city of Jerusalem had begun.

It was not a perfect restoration, however, as the UN elected not to recognize the capital of Israel as Jerusalem. Here Cahn begins to build the case for how the presidency of Donald Trump did this, and how the timing was exact in relation to the establishing of the land of Israel. This recognition of Jerusalem being the capital marks the effective end of the land of Israel being restored back to its former existence and the end of the miraculous resurrection of the country–at least in terms of the physical landmass being a political entity.

There are other subplots that Cahn also explores such as how the father of the political movement of Zionism–the idea that Israel should have an actual physical existence or country–factors into these large “turnings of the wheel” particularly as to how the land was bought from the Ottoman’s through a series of events that converged to allow the process to begin.

Another point of interest involves something called a “Dark Jubilee” in the verbiage of Cahn. This is a kind of “shadow Jubilee” process that is a kind of pagan version of the sequence. This exists, Cahn argues, because the Jubilee is simply how creation is ordered and so, it makes senses that there cannot be other blueprints–only a light one and a dark one. Rather like a flashlight, there are things the beam illuminates, and things that casts shadows from the things that are being illuminated.

The way these events are told is also novel as it involves a person having a series of visions and needed to seek out a person called “The Oracle” to help the person having the vision determine the meaning of the vision. This process involves a series of seven doors, and a person typically on a mountain that sends down a Ram that represents what is about to take place for the nation of Israel in one way or another. Each of these visions involves fulfillment that either did happen or is happening and each story shows how the mortal instruments are used to bring about the purposes of the Heavens. If understanding Prophetic Fulfillment is important, it would be hard to find a better primer than this work.

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