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The Paradigm

ISBN 978-1629994765

The Paradigm

Johnathan Cahn has become a controversial pastor. A cursory glance through the internet shows many differing beliefs about whether or not he is a false Prophet. Upon reading his book, The Paradigm there was nothing necessarily prophetic as such. Rather, it described a pattern nations follow when there is a prophecy that is on its way to being fulfilled.

Mr. Cahn goes to careful lengths to demonstrate that though the paradigm fits right down to years that correlate to Biblical baddies and their life decisions that affected Israel, it does not necessarily imply that the people named–usually Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama, Bill Clinton–are the embodiment necessarily of these people. Rather, they are following a pattern that is similar to what characters like Ahab and Jezebel lived. The main point is that these case studies in “what not to do” in the Bible share a lot of commonalities with the political platforms and careers of the above-named–specifically those matters which concern abortion and child sacrifice. Mr. Cahn comes very close to insisting that these overlaps are something like what Carl Jung would have termed the “expression of the collective conscious/unconscious”.

There is a tendency then, when dealing with these unconscious but familiar patterns for people to lose the division between the pattern and the person. Nowhere is Mr. Cahn suggesting that Hillary Clinton IS Jezebel–not once. Rather, what he does suggest is that there is an uncanny level of connection BETWEEN the life of Jezebel and Hillary Clinton. In a similar sense there is also an overlap between Ahab and Bill Clinton. Likewise, there is a similarity to Ahab’s son, Jehoram and a likeness to Trump and Jehu. He makes a further nuanced point that belief is not necessarily about political parties, but that if you happen to be against killing children it tends to put you into the Conservative party since the Democrats have been standing upon abortion as a key element of their political leanings. The book argues, quite simply, if you are for the pagan God Baal, you are against YHVH. Since Baal worship includes homosexual relationships and child sacrifice, then if you are against that you are for God and that is the side you should be on since otherwise you are working for evil purposes. The political party assumes a subordinate role, but the implication of which party stands on or opposes these matters cannot be avoided.

What one wishes Mr. Cahn would do is attempt to explain where these patterns stop matching. For instance, Ahab died. Bill Clinton remained alive. Hillary Clinton was defeated, but so far she has not been eaten by dogs. Why are these patterns so tight in certain respects, and glaringly divergent in other ways? Is it simply the case that people who appear to be enemies of YHVH follow these patterns, butnot precisely? Can they pick up some other pattern later and what is the purpose of assuming such “paradigms?” These are questions that Mr. Cahn does not appear to offer any speculation concerning. Likely, this is because he is attempting to stay away from anything that might cast him in the role of having made a prophecy. On the other hand, everything about the pattern he indicates concerns prophecy directly. Indeed, the story of Ahab and Jezebel concerns a prophecy uttered due to murder perpetrated to take possession of a vineyard. If all these overlaps are present, then is it much of a jump to say that should Bill and Hillary Clinton be guilty of murder that they have covered up in some fashion that they should face a similar end? Indeed, Cahn points out Whitewater which was a shady land deal in the Ozarks and the mysterious death of Vince Foster. Should we then not expect that for the pattern to complete that Fort Marcy, named after Randolph B Marcy, who was a father-in-law to George B. McClellan who was the General for the Union under Lincoln during the Civil War to re-emerge since it was the place of Mr. Foster’s death? Did not Lincoln also die under dubious circumstances? Maybe there isa massive pattern that Mr. Cahn has identified as a smaller series or sub-pattern or type. This level of revelation would indeed, if found to be a pattern, be tantamount to the “clearing of blood from the land.”

Of course, the reader is left not knowing whether Mr. Cahn supposes something like this. He does an excellent job pointing out the pattern, and for most people, that’s probably plenty with which to contend. While it is a good appetite whetter, it leaves one craving a more substantial meal in terms of context. Sure, there are many commonalities, but why where they lack a good fit are they not fitting? Coincidence? The reader hardly thinks so after this read. There has GOT to be a reason, and maybe Mr. Cahn knows but is reserving it for a future book. If so, expect an update here. Send Lightning!