The Book Light A Site of Book Reviews By Humans


When it comes to book reviews, it is a hard to know what is a genuine review, or a platform being moderated by some technological behemoth serving some agenda or another. It is one thing to have a genuine reaction to a book, and it is quite another to have a carefully groomed appearance which passes for “a literary review.”

The only problem with this concept is that if your individual identity is tied to a review, there are people out there in the world who get offended. Honest reviews, friends, social circles–these are all pressures that keep people from being entirely genuine. So, this platform exists with at least one human being giving book reviews that are authentic to the experience of having read the book, without really trying to work any financial angle, or to drive traffic in some bizarre way. Who that one person is, or people are make no difference to what is here written and really, that should be the case for any writing we find anywhere on the web.

Anyway, whether there is one book here or fifty, it is hoped that you, the reader, will enjoy reading an actual reaction to a given work and maybe literature will, one of these days, be back to that kind of footing where when writing makes people feel something it has accomplished part of the goal of being literature.