The Book Light A Site of Book Reviews By Humans

Bazooka Charlie

Bazooka Charlie

ISBN: 978-0-7643-6636-9

Editor’s Note: The editors of The Book Light were made aware of the publishing of this book via press surrounding its release. Subsequently, Schiffer Publishing–the publisher of the book–was contacted to inquire about a Reviewer’s Copy. Schiffer Publishing sent a copy of the book promptly and we want to be sure to thank them for doing so. You may check out their other titles at their site located here:

Bazooka Charlie tells a story that one does not often hear concerning World War II. If one wants to read about fighter pilots, there are stacks of books about Lightenings and Mustangs. If one wants to read about bomber pilots, one will find many references to Mitchells, Liberators, and so on. Even the villain, the Luftwaffe, is replete with Messerschmitts and their ilk. What one hears hardly a peep about are the Liason Pilots flying Piper Cubs which had the primary job of targeting ground forces from the air and radioing the appropriate information. One surely hears nothing at all about anyone placing bazookas on these planes and using them aggressively in order to remove Panzer tanks. As soon as one learns that this book does all of that, it has to go on any serious historian’s “must-read” stack.

Charlie Carpenter is the man on whom this particular story centers. Mr. Carpenter starts off as an athlete first and foremost and then gradually shifts into becoming a teacher as he matures. He writes his own creed by which he intends to live, and seems to have a set of values that one might describe as being Spartan. As events would demonstrate, he would have that creed severely tested.

Mr. Carpenter first signs up in the army to be a glider pilot. It does not take long, however, for him to decide that the Piper Cub Liason Pilot position is the one for him. Before he signs up, he meets the woman he will marry, and indeed he writes to her throughout his time in the service providing a window into both the world at that time and his inner thoughts. When he joins the Air Force, one can clearly discern the desire for Mr. Carpenter to prove his toughness. By the time those tests come, however, Mr. Carpenter is in a different state of mind as the war begins to play havoc with his own psychology and convictions. Though the subtitle of this book is ‘The Unbelievable Story of Major Charles Carpenter and Rosie the Rocketer’ a better subtitle might be ‘A Battle Between Man and Beast in the Belly of Hell’.

One reason this might be a better title is because Mr. Carpenter of all things, does not want to be a hero. He does not want publicity. He does not want recognition. Most of what is driving him to do the things he does in the book is a sense of frustration and a desire for revenge. An additional motivation that the book makes clear is a kind of crisis of faith that Mr. Carpenter undergoes along with an insouciance toward whether he ultimately lives or not. These traits combine and the press calls them courage and daring. Really though, Mr. Carpenter is just pissed off in a myriad of ways. What he is doing is rendering payback and often refers to his time surviving the war as “luck”.

James P. Busha, the main author with input from Carol Apacki, Mr. Carpenter’s daughter, starts the book out with a future event during which Mr. Carpenter is under a kind of court martial that is being instead called ‘battle fatigue’ which is a way the armed forces could sideline anyone with whom they did not approve of some action. In Mr. Carpenter’s case, he uses a tank that is not his to encourage the taking of a village and does so nearly single-handedly. This rankles certain commanding officers although Mr. Carpenter has the protection of a high-ranking Major General John Woods. John Woods is well-loved in the Air Force, but eventually also gets sidelined for rubbing the brass’s fur backwards over the speed at which his men are taking a certain area. He also receives the ‘battle fatigue’ sidelining treatment. Quite a bit of Mr. Carpenter’s war career was in ferrying the Major General about in his Piper Cub.

We learn through the book that Elda, Mr. Carpenter’s wife, is pregnant with Mr. Carpenter’s daughter. While Mr. Carpenter is excited about the event, he is often forlorn since he cannot go home to be with his family. As the early letters begin, Mr. Carpenter is very much a family man. By the end, Mr. Carpenter is not the spitting image of a spotless hero by his own admission where his wife is concerned. There are other women and affairs, and Mr. Carpenter seems to suggest he can no longer live in the idealistic way he did previous to the war. While later commentary is rendered suggesting this is due to PTSD, a careful reading shows that Mr. Carpenter was having difficulty with God and was rather angry that this whole situation he found himself within seemed to do nothing other than indicate the absence of that divine personage. This anger is perhaps productive in the sense that one wonders whether he might have strapped six bazookas on his Piper Club and then dove down eye level with German Panzer tanks without it. Sometimes, one is reminded by the actions of the book, that God answers the prayer through us even despite ourselves.

The narrative does an excellent job at allowing Mr. Carpenter to tell his own story through his own letters sent to ‘Bunny’ otherwise known as ‘Elda Carpenter’–his wife. We even get backstage passes to his life after the war his battle with cancer and some perhaps more peaceful moments he finally finds with his daughter. We also learn that he goes back to teaching and has some things to say about his country and democracy as a result of the experiences he endures and he does not require a lot of notes to do it since he is a primary witness to the war. Much of what he has to say applies today, although it must be remembered that what is said is said from the vantage point of an idealist who has his ideals eroded by the horrors he endures. It is difficult, one finds, to have faith in one’s country or anything else when one undergoes severe trials. Yet, Mr. Carpenter fights his cancer in order to try to spend more time with his daughter and wife. He finds some measure of healing, it seems, and is able to at least put some of what happened behind him.

There are a lot of stories within this text that are too numerous for the number of words this article needs to stay under. Indeed, Mr. Carpenter is and was a hero, but not because of the bazookas or even the flying. No, if anything, it was being willing to undertake such a journey in the first place. On his deathbed, Mr. Carpenter makes the statement that he believes that through his sufferings he is purified. Indeed, suffering can act as a kind of purification although it usually is the case that such suffering is rather the “last stop” for such purification when it can not be handled any other way. One achieves catharsis, perhaps, in the manner they most accept. One likes to think then, that when Mr. Carpenter faced the Eternal Master the Master simply said, “Well, we had some disagreements you and I, but you lived well enough. Here is your reward.”

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The Templar Legacy

The Templar Legacy

ISBN 978-0-345-47615-9

Back in the early 2000’s everyone went a little crazy over Dan Brown’s The DaVinci Code. It was not the case that there was no mystery, but of course, Brown had the incentive of wanting to sell copies of his book, so mystery that was legitimate overlapped with fancy that made for good storytelling. Determining where those boundaries are though, is a subject of mass debate even still.

The Templar Legacy, by Steve Berry, is a blatant mercenary attempt to cash in on the Brown craze. This version goes to France into the mysteries of the Cathars and Knight’s Templar to do so. The premise is that the former master of the order knows a Templar Schism is coming and that the Knight’s Templar is going to be torn asunder over an old problem relating to the dissolution of the order some 700 years ago. As the master dies, he develops a plan and has all the pieces in place to allow a host of characters to discover a hiding spot of Templar treasure and knowledge.

SpoilerSpoiler alert: Mostly the plot revolves around how The Messiah (Yeshuah) in the book, was never actually crucified.

The adventure part of the novel reads well, but due to the spoiler I mentioned above the entire novel is tiring to read in the same way listening to a lecture by Richard Dawkins is tiring. The idea that the Templars are some kind of heretic is nothing new, but this book does little by way of helping that assertion to become resolved. If anything, it worsens that accusation in order to sell the book to people who might be interested in such a story.

So yeah, there are Departments of Justice, intrigue, and billionaires in this thing, but it reads like a heaping wad of suck since the basic premise is to try to create some alternate history that has already had a million versions offered and put forth. It’s not that the writing is bad. It’s not that the plot and supporting facts are terrible, but when you go so far as to make your own “Testimony of Simon” which reads like something an egotistical five-year-old might write, the line must be drawn.

While the novel poses as ‘fiction’ it looks instead to be a special kind of pleading–the goal of the plea being ‘All religions suck!’ and everyone is bad but the true people who know that everything is fiction! Okay, but the actions of the Templars fly in the face of this very thing. Yes, they got ‘burned’ over what seems to be mostly a monetary issue, but they had all that money from doing something else other than having super secret information. It involved keeping the roads to Jerusalem clear which began in earnest due to the Crusades. I rather doubt that they got to Jerusalem and discovered any form of knowledge that had to do with the Holy Land being a lie. If anything, they probably discovered that the entire truth was not being disclosed by the Catholic Church which ordered the Crusades with which to start.

Hence, making up a fiction about burned people who were sacrificed for religious reasons to sell a book is in poor taste. The only thing worse might be making a fictional book about the Holocaust and saying how the Jews actually deserved it due to some “secret history” that legitimizes Nazi actions.!

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The Harbinger

The Harbinger

ISBN: 978-1616386108

Eeking out another book review before the end of the year is easy if your book happens to be The Harbinger by Johnathan Cahn. It’s easy as the clarity of the book is immediately apparent. Cahn has adopted a narrative format in the guise of a mystery so that he can go about interpreting the events of 9-11 in light of a prophecy that occurs in Isaiah whereby God proclaims that He intends to ‘cut down the Sycamores’ concerning Israel which is a type of metaphorical and actual phrase that means He intends to cut off the prosperity and security of the nation.

Cahn, for his part, sees this kind of judgment as a pattern and advances his case for it being so. In other words, what Cahn has here is more like a thesis on judgment cycles and how that thesis is being applied to the nation of America. This thesis is solidly argued and the evidence is quite clear. The only thing I think Cahn might be missing is that he asserts that those who echo the words of this prophecy who are in charge of the nation are doing so ‘not really knowing what they are doing’ and are more like puppets in the will of God. A more disturbing interpretation is that they know exactly what they are doing and what Cahn sees as a subconscious ballet is an outright defiance of God and a mocking of this prophecy.

Of course, if Cahn said that, the absolute rage that would follow is probably predictable and he would be branded an even more extreme pastor/rabbi than he all ready is considered to be. However, it does not do to let traitors off the hook so easily as to suggest they are unwitting mouthpieces of God if in fact they are choosing to allow the nation to fail.

Cahn gets close to understanding or stating this realization when he determines the Lehman Brothers collapse to be an echo of the Twin Tower attack. He remarks that Congress ‘decided not to pass a bill to allow Lehman Brothers and the economy to collapse’. If this is indeed the “second iteration” of the first ordeal, then it is the second iteration that, and this is key, was allowed to take place by those who had power to do otherwise.

As for the rest of the book, the format is ingenious by having a mysterious stranger explain the prophecy with a series of seals that Nouriel, (a name of a Clinton era economist by chance called Dr. Doom) our main protagonist, must decipher. The mystery level of the stranger is, perhaps, a little too high as we never even learn his name, but the fact that he always shows up just when needed while certainly being a trope, works in the parameters of this novel.

It can be rather hard to explain to those not familiar with literary symbolism and Biblical imagery how a prophecy is being fulfilled since the language is at once poetic and exact. It is not an archetype, as we usually think of archetypes, because an archetype is usually not the thing itself but is the thing itself showing up in multiple guises. In prophecy, a literal Sycamore tree will typically fall ALONG WITH all the symbolism it entails. It is not just a symbol. It is the symbol and the fulfillment of the symbolism.

Therefore, having the seals as a type of background mystery is an ingenious method to explain how God works. At the end, Cahn even gives the reader a little wink as the conversation with the would-be publisher is had concerning how to write the material he has been given. He is told perhaps a narrative format would be best but there Cahn cautions and says, “But if I write it as fiction, then people will simply think it is fiction.” This leaves us wondering how much of Cahn’s narrative is imagined and how much of it he, in one way or another, has experienced.

This book occurred before the previous review on this site of The Paradigm and whereas The Paradigm is a lot more straight Biblical interpretation into modern times or at least efforts are made to indicate this is so, The Harbinger is more of a story that happens to also relate to 9-11. The difference is that The Paradigm can not really stand as a story on its own in the sense of there being a narrative. The Harbinger by contrast, can.

If you are a fast reader, this is not an especially difficult read but it is fascinating to see the connections that Cahn highlights. One should not be deceived by the simplicity of the read as there are many, many parallels and further mysteries hinted at that this book begins to explicate. Cahn is, as far as The Book Light is concerned, two-for-two in terms of Biblical scholarship even if, surprisingly, he took a little time to also try to make it entertaining.

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